Antamion signed an agreement with the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone in Gdańsk, Poland
for the development of technical documentation and permits for a large floating photovoltaic installation with a capacity of min. 7 MWp. The photovoltaic installation will be located in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, on the site of the unfinished nuclear power plant in Żarnowiec, on the surface of two artificial reservoirs. Green energy from the solar power plant will be fed into the electricity grid and will power local businesses and households, as well as making a significant contribution to reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
The floating photovoltaic installation in Żarnowiec will be the largest of its kind in Poland and one of the largest in Europe. Interestingly, the location of the photovoltaic plant on the site of an abandoned nuclear power station has a certain symbolism, as it will result in electricity finally flowing from the Żarnowiec power station, and a green one at that. The project is possible thanks to the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone and its innovative commitment to energy transformation.

Floating farm on artificial water reservoirs
The floating PV farm installation will be located on two artificial rainwater reservoirs that collect rainwater and snowmelt from the industrial areas of the Żarnowiec Special Economic Zone. This is an innovative way of using unused water surface to generate green energy. The investment will contribute to improving the quality of the water stored in the reservoirs, as the floating photovoltaic platform inhibits the growth of harmful algae. Through this, the new installation will also contribute to improving the water quality of the nearby Żarnowieckie Lake, which is highly zeutrophic and prone to algal and cyanobacterial blooms.
The floating farm will consist of two photovoltaic platforms, one on each body of water. In total, more than 12,000 photovoltaic panels are expected to be installed, with energy flowing to surrounding businesses and farms and homes.

Press release about floating PV farm project
There have been quite a few publications in the press and on industry portals about the launch of the project. Below are links to several of them.